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Halotestin is the trade name of the anabolic steroid fluoxymesterone, in terms of composition it is a testosterone derivative with three groups (9-fluoro, 17alpha methyl and 11 beta hydroxyl).

The active half-life is 6 to 8 hours, it is a very strong steroid with strong androgenic properties.

This remedy is attractive to people who do not care about building large muscle mass, but rather about building strength.

It is most often used to increase strength and improve the definition of muscles, so it is valued in sports where there are weight limits, if someone wants to achieve better performance and strength without changing body weight, it is particularly useful.

Halotestin causes fat tissue to burn faster and is harder to accumulate due to the fact that it changes the ratio of androgens to estrogens.

Like any steroid, Halotestin also has drawbacks, and its biggest drawback is very high toxicity, so we must remember to combine it with injection agents with low hepatoxicity.

Due to toxicity, remember about liver protection and careful dosing, from 20 to 40 mg a day, not exceeding 8 weeks.

Let's remember that after completing the treatment, appropriate unblocking is necessary:

Hcg with nolvadex or clomid will effectively restore the proper functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis.

People who focus on strength training often look for support in the form of powerful supplements that will make their training results better. These well-known preparations include Halotestin, whose active ingredient is Fluoxymesterone. This preparation is chosen by people who focus on strength and endurance sports. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at it and assessing whether it will be worth using it.
Halotestin – product characteristics

The active ingredient of Halostein is fluoxymesterone, which is a derivative of cortisol, with a very characteristic hydroxyl group at the C11 position. It reduces CBG levels and directly causes more effective release of free cortisol into the blood. The preparation directly affects the transformation of glucocorticoid components, but we do not have detailed research on how these transformations occur. Some emphasize that the product should be treated more as an antiglucocorticosteroid than as an anabolic product.
The action of Halotestin

The product is characterized by the fact that it will be a weak antagonist of androgen receptors. In this respect, it has a much weaker effect than testosterone, just like active ingredients such as matanabol or winstrol. The product cannot be used by people who want to avoid the use of preparations that are strongly androgenic in nature. Among other things, it will not be recommended for women, older men who have prostate problems or have a genetic tendency to hair loss. Unfortunately, the androgenic effect of this preparation will outweigh the potential anabolic effect and therefore it should be carefully treated. Theoretically, the product will bind SHBG weakly, but when using a higher dose it will be able to ensure that the free estradiol is mixed efficiently and an appropriate dose of testosterone is delivered to the blood. On the other hand, it must be taken into account that it has a strong androgenic effect and therefore a higher dose of this preparation cannot be used without side effects.
The ratings Halotestin gets

The previously mentioned elements, including the androgenic effect of the preparation, mean that, unfortunately, Halotestin is rarely treated as a strong anabolic agent. On the other hand, there are various methods that make it possible to effectively use even weaker preparations when they are combined with other products in an appropriate way. In the case of this particular preparation, it seems that the biggest problem with this particular preparation is the difficulty in increasing the dose, because with a higher dose, the androgenic effect of this product also increases significantly. What is positively assessed by users of this preparation is the fact that it will effectively increase hematocrit and thus also the amount of oxygen in the blood, which will further result in a larger dose of oxygen being delivered to the muscles, which will make performance will be at a higher level. Some people decide to use this preparation because it will effectively increase the level of motivation and aggression, which may be very important in some disciplines.


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