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Testosterone propionate is a testosterone ester with a significantly lower efficacy time, as for example with testosterone enanthate and cypionate - only one to two-day action is reported. Doping consumers claim that compared with longer-acting testosterone esters, there is a very rapid onset of effects, which manifests after a two-day significantly stronger pumping effect, an increase in training energy, strength and increased appetite. Additionally, it does not cause significant water retention in the body.
     Undesirable effects on the use of testosterone propionate are significantly lower and rarer than in depot testosterone forms, but with long-term administration or abuse of higher doses there is still the risk of massive acne, hair loss, body hair growth, voice thickening. The risk of developing gynecomastia, despite the slight aromatization of the formulation, is reported to be minimal, as well as its toxic effects on the liver.

Bodybuilding benefits:

Available information suggests that there are again some possibilities of abuse by bodybuilders. Either it is combined with depot testosterone esters (enanthate, cypionate) at the start of the cycle, where it guarantees immediate action until the onset of depot forms, or is abused throughout the cycle in conjunction with other anabolic and androgenic agents. Most commonly, such as oxymetholone, methandienone, stanozolol, oxandrolone, as well as injectable forms are mentioned, especially in preparation for competition. Regardless of the type of abuse involved, dosing ranging from 25-100 mg every other day is mentioned.
     I also met with information that some force athletes used high-dose testosterone propionate on the day before the competition. Testosterone propionate is very often used as a bridging agent between the competition and the end of the preparation period, during which anabolic androgenic steroids were readily identifiable by doping tests. If adequate doses were given and if propionate was discharged long enough before the day of possible doping control, the risk of exceeding the testosterone / epitestosterone boundary ratio was minimal.

Testosterone Propionate 100

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