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MK 677 10mg


Golden Labs


MK-677 (Ibutamoren) is a growth hormone secretagogue, which mimics the growth hormone. It also increases insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Researchers have found MK-677 to help build muscle, reduce muscle wasting, increase bone density, and reverse aging.


Growth hormone pulse intensity can be increased through 4 possible mechanisms:

  • Increasing GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) release.
  • Amplifying GHRH signaling in somatotrophs of the anterior pituitary gland.
  • Reducing somatostatin release (somatostatin turns off GH release).
  • Inhibiting of somatostatin receptor signaling. Mk-677 was found to work through all four of these mechanisms. After ingestion, Growth Hormone (GH) was shown to increase dose dependently.

100 tablets/10mg


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